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:heavy_check_mark: test/tetration_mod.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM ""

#include "math/power_tower.hpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

int main() {
    int T;
    std::cin >> T;
    for (auto i = 0; i < T; ++i) {
        int A, B, M;
        std::cin >> A >> B >> M;
        if (A == 0) {
            std::cout << ((B & 1) ^ 1) % M;
        } else {
            const auto n = std::min(B, 64);
            std::vector<int> a(n, A);
            std::cout << power_tower(a, M);
        std::cout << '\n';
#line 1 "test/tetration_mod.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM ""

#line 1 "math/power_tower.hpp"

#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

template <typename T> T euler_phi(T n) {
    T phi = n;
    for (T i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            phi -= phi / i;
            while (n % i == 0) {
                n /= i;
    if (n != 1) {
        phi -= phi / n;
    return phi;

template <typename T, typename Promote = unsigned long long>
T power_tower(const std::vector<T> &a, T m) {
    assert(m > 0);
    std::vector<unsigned long long> mod_chain{
        static_cast<unsigned long long>(m)};
    while (mod_chain.back() > 1) {
        const auto phi = euler_phi(mod_chain.back());
    const auto f = [](Promote x, Promote n, Promote mod) {
        Promote r = 1;
        if (x > mod) {
            x = x % mod + mod;
        while (n) {
            if (n & 1) {
                r *= x;
                if (r > mod) {
                    r = r % mod + mod;
            x *= x;
            if (x > mod) {
                x = x % mod + mod;
            n >>= 1;
        return r;
    Promote r = 1;
    const auto k = static_cast<int>(std::min(a.size(), mod_chain.size()));
    for (auto i = k - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        assert(a[i] > 0);
        r = f(static_cast<Promote>(a[i]), r, mod_chain[i]);
    return static_cast<T>(r % static_cast<Promote>(m));

#line 4 "test/tetration_mod.test.cpp"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

int main() {
    int T;
    std::cin >> T;
    for (auto i = 0; i < T; ++i) {
        int A, B, M;
        std::cin >> A >> B >> M;
        if (A == 0) {
            std::cout << ((B & 1) ^ 1) % M;
        } else {
            const auto n = std::min(B, 64);
            std::vector<int> a(n, A);
            std::cout << power_tower(a, M);
        std::cout << '\n';
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