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#include "treap/lazy_implicit_treap.hpp"
#ifndef LAZY_IMPLICIT_TREAP_HPP #define LAZY_IMPLICIT_TREAP_HPP #include "../random/xoshiro256starstar.hpp" #include <array> #include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <initializer_list> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <vector> template <typename S, typename Op, typename E, typename F, typename Mapping, typename Composition, typename Id, typename Generator> struct lazy_implicit_treap { lazy_implicit_treap(Op op, E e, Mapping mapping, Composition composition, Id id) : op_(op), e_(e), mapping_(mapping), composition_(composition), id_(id), gen_(static_cast<typename Generator::result_type>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())) {} // Split into [0, pos), [pos, inf) std::array<int, 2> split(int u, int pos) { if (!~u) { return {-1, -1}; } push(u); if (size(nodes_[u].children[0]) < pos) { auto [left, right] = split(nodes_[u].children[1], pos - size(nodes_[u].children[0]) - 1); nodes_[u].children[1] = left; return {update(u), right}; } else { auto [left, right] = split(nodes_[u].children[0], pos); nodes_[u].children[0] = right; return {left, update(u)}; } } // Split into [0, pos[0]), [pos[0], pos[1]), // ..., [pos[n-2], pos[n-1]), [pos[n-1], inf) std::vector<int> split(int u, std::initializer_list<int> ilist) { auto n = static_cast<int>(ilist.size()); assert(n > 0); assert(~u); std::vector<int> result(n + 1), pos(ilist); result[0] = u; for (auto i = n - 1; i >= 1; --i) { pos[i] -= pos[i - 1]; } for (auto i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto [left, right] = split(result[i], pos[i]); result[i] = left; result[i + 1] = right; } return result; } int merge(int u, int v) { if (!~u || !~v) { return ~u ? u : v; } if (nodes_[u].priority < nodes_[v].priority) { push(v); nodes_[v].children[0] = merge(u, nodes_[v].children[0]); return update(v); } else { push(u); nodes_[u].children[1] = merge(nodes_[u].children[1], v); return update(u); } } int merge(std::initializer_list<int> ilist) { auto u = -1; for (auto v : ilist) { u = merge(u, v); } return u; } // Inserts value before pos int insert(int u, int pos, const S &value) { assert(0 <= pos && pos <= size(u)); auto v = new_node(value); auto [left, right] = split(u, pos); return merge({left, v, right}); } int push_back(int u, const S &value) { auto v = new_node(value); return merge(u, v); } int new_node(const S &value) { auto u = static_cast<int>(nodes_.size()); nodes_.emplace_back(value, id_(), gen_()); return u; } int erase(int u, int pos) { assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); auto v = split(u, {pos, pos + 1}); return merge(v[0], v[2]); } S get(int u, int pos) { assert(~u && !~nodes_[u].parent); assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); while (~u) { push(u); if (size(nodes_[u].children[0]) < pos) { pos -= size(nodes_[u].children[0]) + 1; u = nodes_[u].children[1]; } else if (pos < size(nodes_[u].children[0])) { u = nodes_[u].children[0]; } else { break; } } assert(~u); return nodes_[u].value; } int set(int u, int pos, S value) { assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); auto v = split(u, {pos, pos + 1}); nodes_[v[1]].value = value; nodes_[v[1]].subtree_sum = value; return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } int apply(int u, int pos, F f) { return apply(u, pos, pos + 1, f); } int apply(int u, int l, int r, F f) { assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= size(u)); auto v = split(u, {l, r}); all_apply(v[1], f); return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } S all_prod(int u) const { return ~u ? nodes_[u].subtree_sum : e_(); } std::pair<int, S> prod(int u, int l, int r) { auto v = split(u, {l, r}); auto result = all_prod(v[1]); return {merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}), result}; } int reverse(int u) { if (~u) { nodes_[u].reversed ^= true; } return u; } int reverse(int u, int l, int r) { assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= size(u)); auto v = split(u, {l, r}); reverse(v[1]); return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } int order_of_node(int u) { assert(0 <= u && u < static_cast<int>(nodes_.size())); auto propagate = [&](auto self, int x) -> void { if (~x) { self(self, nodes_[x].parent); push(x); } }; propagate(propagate, u); auto order = size(nodes_[u].children[0]); for (; ~nodes_[u].parent; u = nodes_[u].parent) { if (auto p = nodes_[u].parent; nodes_[p].children[1] == u) { order += size(p) - size(u); } } return order; } int get_root(int u) const { assert(0 <= u && u < static_cast<int>(nodes_.size())); while (~nodes_[u].parent) { u = nodes_[u].parent; } return u; } void reserve(std::vector<int>::size_type n) { nodes_.reserve(n); } int size(int u) const { return ~u ? nodes_[u].subtree_size : 0; } template <typename Function> void for_each(int u, Function f) { if (~u) { push(u); for_each(nodes_[u].children[0], f); f(nodes_[u].value); for_each(nodes_[u].children[1], f); } } private: int update(int u) { if (!~u) { return u; } nodes_[u].parent = -1; nodes_[u].subtree_size = 1; for (auto v : nodes_[u].children) { if (~v) { nodes_[v].parent = u; nodes_[u].subtree_size += nodes_[v].subtree_size; } } nodes_[u].subtree_sum = ~nodes_[u].children[0] ? op_(nodes_[nodes_[u].children[0]].subtree_sum, nodes_[u].value) : nodes_[u].value; nodes_[u].subtree_sum = ~nodes_[u].children[1] ? op_(nodes_[u].subtree_sum, nodes_[nodes_[u].children[1]].subtree_sum) : nodes_[u].subtree_sum; return u; } void push(int u) { if (!~u) { return; } all_apply(nodes_[u].children[0], nodes_[u].lazy); all_apply(nodes_[u].children[1], nodes_[u].lazy); nodes_[u].lazy = id_(); if (nodes_[u].reversed) { for (auto v : nodes_[u].children) { if (~v) { nodes_[v].reversed ^= true; } } std::swap(nodes_[u].children[0], nodes_[u].children[1]); nodes_[u].reversed = false; } } void all_apply(int u, F f) { if (~u) { nodes_[u].value = mapping_(f, nodes_[u].value); nodes_[u].subtree_sum = mapping_(f, nodes_[u].subtree_sum); nodes_[u].lazy = composition_(f, nodes_[u].lazy); } } struct node { node(const S &value_, const F &lazy_, typename Generator::result_type priority_) : value(value_), subtree_sum(value_), lazy(lazy_), priority(priority_) {} S value; S subtree_sum; F lazy; typename Generator::result_type priority; bool reversed = false; int parent = -1; int subtree_size = 1; std::array<int, 2> children{-1, -1}; }; Op op_; E e_; Mapping mapping_; Composition composition_; Id id_; Generator gen_; std::vector<node> nodes_; }; template <typename Op, typename E, typename Mapping, typename Composition, typename Id> lazy_implicit_treap(Op op, E e, Mapping mapping, Composition composition, Id id) -> lazy_implicit_treap<std::invoke_result_t<E>, Op, E, std::invoke_result_t<Id>, Mapping, Composition, Id, xoshiro256starstar>; #endif // LAZY_IMPLICIT_TREAP_HPP
#line 1 "treap/lazy_implicit_treap.hpp" #line 1 "random/xoshiro256starstar.hpp" #line 1 "random/splitmix64.hpp" #include <cstdint> #include <limits> struct splitmix64 { public: using result_type = std::uint64_t; splitmix64(std::uint64_t seed = 0) : x(seed) {} std::uint64_t operator()() { std::uint64_t z = (x += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15); z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9; z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111eb; return z ^ (z >> 31); } static constexpr std::uint64_t min() { return std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::min(); } static constexpr std::uint64_t max() { return std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max(); } private: std::uint64_t x; // The state can be seeded with any value. }; #line 5 "random/xoshiro256starstar.hpp" #include <array> #line 8 "random/xoshiro256starstar.hpp" struct xoshiro256starstar { public: using result_type = std::uint64_t; xoshiro256starstar(std::uint64_t seed = 0) { splitmix64 g(seed); for (auto &x : s) { x = g(); } } std::uint64_t operator()() { const std::uint64_t result = rotl(s[1] * 5, 7) * 9; const std::uint64_t t = s[1] << 17; s[2] ^= s[0]; s[3] ^= s[1]; s[1] ^= s[2]; s[0] ^= s[3]; s[2] ^= t; s[3] = rotl(s[3], 45); return result; } static constexpr std::uint64_t min() { return std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::min(); } static constexpr std::uint64_t max() { return std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max(); } private: static std::uint64_t rotl(const std::uint64_t x, int k) { return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k)); } std::array<std::uint64_t, 4> s; }; #line 6 "treap/lazy_implicit_treap.hpp" #include <cassert> #include <chrono> #include <initializer_list> #include <type_traits> #include <utility> #include <vector> template <typename S, typename Op, typename E, typename F, typename Mapping, typename Composition, typename Id, typename Generator> struct lazy_implicit_treap { lazy_implicit_treap(Op op, E e, Mapping mapping, Composition composition, Id id) : op_(op), e_(e), mapping_(mapping), composition_(composition), id_(id), gen_(static_cast<typename Generator::result_type>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count())) {} // Split into [0, pos), [pos, inf) std::array<int, 2> split(int u, int pos) { if (!~u) { return {-1, -1}; } push(u); if (size(nodes_[u].children[0]) < pos) { auto [left, right] = split(nodes_[u].children[1], pos - size(nodes_[u].children[0]) - 1); nodes_[u].children[1] = left; return {update(u), right}; } else { auto [left, right] = split(nodes_[u].children[0], pos); nodes_[u].children[0] = right; return {left, update(u)}; } } // Split into [0, pos[0]), [pos[0], pos[1]), // ..., [pos[n-2], pos[n-1]), [pos[n-1], inf) std::vector<int> split(int u, std::initializer_list<int> ilist) { auto n = static_cast<int>(ilist.size()); assert(n > 0); assert(~u); std::vector<int> result(n + 1), pos(ilist); result[0] = u; for (auto i = n - 1; i >= 1; --i) { pos[i] -= pos[i - 1]; } for (auto i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto [left, right] = split(result[i], pos[i]); result[i] = left; result[i + 1] = right; } return result; } int merge(int u, int v) { if (!~u || !~v) { return ~u ? u : v; } if (nodes_[u].priority < nodes_[v].priority) { push(v); nodes_[v].children[0] = merge(u, nodes_[v].children[0]); return update(v); } else { push(u); nodes_[u].children[1] = merge(nodes_[u].children[1], v); return update(u); } } int merge(std::initializer_list<int> ilist) { auto u = -1; for (auto v : ilist) { u = merge(u, v); } return u; } // Inserts value before pos int insert(int u, int pos, const S &value) { assert(0 <= pos && pos <= size(u)); auto v = new_node(value); auto [left, right] = split(u, pos); return merge({left, v, right}); } int push_back(int u, const S &value) { auto v = new_node(value); return merge(u, v); } int new_node(const S &value) { auto u = static_cast<int>(nodes_.size()); nodes_.emplace_back(value, id_(), gen_()); return u; } int erase(int u, int pos) { assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); auto v = split(u, {pos, pos + 1}); return merge(v[0], v[2]); } S get(int u, int pos) { assert(~u && !~nodes_[u].parent); assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); while (~u) { push(u); if (size(nodes_[u].children[0]) < pos) { pos -= size(nodes_[u].children[0]) + 1; u = nodes_[u].children[1]; } else if (pos < size(nodes_[u].children[0])) { u = nodes_[u].children[0]; } else { break; } } assert(~u); return nodes_[u].value; } int set(int u, int pos, S value) { assert(0 <= pos && pos < size(u)); auto v = split(u, {pos, pos + 1}); nodes_[v[1]].value = value; nodes_[v[1]].subtree_sum = value; return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } int apply(int u, int pos, F f) { return apply(u, pos, pos + 1, f); } int apply(int u, int l, int r, F f) { assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= size(u)); auto v = split(u, {l, r}); all_apply(v[1], f); return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } S all_prod(int u) const { return ~u ? nodes_[u].subtree_sum : e_(); } std::pair<int, S> prod(int u, int l, int r) { auto v = split(u, {l, r}); auto result = all_prod(v[1]); return {merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}), result}; } int reverse(int u) { if (~u) { nodes_[u].reversed ^= true; } return u; } int reverse(int u, int l, int r) { assert(0 <= l && l <= r && r <= size(u)); auto v = split(u, {l, r}); reverse(v[1]); return merge({v[0], v[1], v[2]}); } int order_of_node(int u) { assert(0 <= u && u < static_cast<int>(nodes_.size())); auto propagate = [&](auto self, int x) -> void { if (~x) { self(self, nodes_[x].parent); push(x); } }; propagate(propagate, u); auto order = size(nodes_[u].children[0]); for (; ~nodes_[u].parent; u = nodes_[u].parent) { if (auto p = nodes_[u].parent; nodes_[p].children[1] == u) { order += size(p) - size(u); } } return order; } int get_root(int u) const { assert(0 <= u && u < static_cast<int>(nodes_.size())); while (~nodes_[u].parent) { u = nodes_[u].parent; } return u; } void reserve(std::vector<int>::size_type n) { nodes_.reserve(n); } int size(int u) const { return ~u ? nodes_[u].subtree_size : 0; } template <typename Function> void for_each(int u, Function f) { if (~u) { push(u); for_each(nodes_[u].children[0], f); f(nodes_[u].value); for_each(nodes_[u].children[1], f); } } private: int update(int u) { if (!~u) { return u; } nodes_[u].parent = -1; nodes_[u].subtree_size = 1; for (auto v : nodes_[u].children) { if (~v) { nodes_[v].parent = u; nodes_[u].subtree_size += nodes_[v].subtree_size; } } nodes_[u].subtree_sum = ~nodes_[u].children[0] ? op_(nodes_[nodes_[u].children[0]].subtree_sum, nodes_[u].value) : nodes_[u].value; nodes_[u].subtree_sum = ~nodes_[u].children[1] ? op_(nodes_[u].subtree_sum, nodes_[nodes_[u].children[1]].subtree_sum) : nodes_[u].subtree_sum; return u; } void push(int u) { if (!~u) { return; } all_apply(nodes_[u].children[0], nodes_[u].lazy); all_apply(nodes_[u].children[1], nodes_[u].lazy); nodes_[u].lazy = id_(); if (nodes_[u].reversed) { for (auto v : nodes_[u].children) { if (~v) { nodes_[v].reversed ^= true; } } std::swap(nodes_[u].children[0], nodes_[u].children[1]); nodes_[u].reversed = false; } } void all_apply(int u, F f) { if (~u) { nodes_[u].value = mapping_(f, nodes_[u].value); nodes_[u].subtree_sum = mapping_(f, nodes_[u].subtree_sum); nodes_[u].lazy = composition_(f, nodes_[u].lazy); } } struct node { node(const S &value_, const F &lazy_, typename Generator::result_type priority_) : value(value_), subtree_sum(value_), lazy(lazy_), priority(priority_) {} S value; S subtree_sum; F lazy; typename Generator::result_type priority; bool reversed = false; int parent = -1; int subtree_size = 1; std::array<int, 2> children{-1, -1}; }; Op op_; E e_; Mapping mapping_; Composition composition_; Id id_; Generator gen_; std::vector<node> nodes_; }; template <typename Op, typename E, typename Mapping, typename Composition, typename Id> lazy_implicit_treap(Op op, E e, Mapping mapping, Composition composition, Id id) -> lazy_implicit_treap<std::invoke_result_t<E>, Op, E, std::invoke_result_t<Id>, Mapping, Composition, Id, xoshiro256starstar>;